Tuesday, March 26, 2013

surprise stables

Katie H.'s blog, pilgrimography, is so inspiring – it makes me want to be more attuned to my surroundings and capture those fleeting moments of beauty. I'm not sure this really makes the cut, but I was startled today as I walked home from the office. I've walked past this alley probably twice a week for the past three years. Only today did I notice this mural of horses in a stable painted on the garage in the back:

Sweet idea, no?


  1. horses are the new birds!

    cf. portlandia's sketch, "put a bird on it"

    1. haha, cute! once i move to brooklyn, i'll probably start watching portlandia. ;)

  2. awwwwww! thanks katie.
    the mural is totally rad! and the location is just perfect for it. I can see how you could pass by without noticing it though. Very subtle... so curious about who would even think to put it there..
