Sunday, November 18, 2012

D.I.Y. Standing Desk

Being a graduate student is dangerous work. For example, your lifestyle is so sedentary that you may develop severe pain in your hips, lower back, and shoulder and neck areas. Also, this lifestyle will apparently kill you. Recent headlines*:
Is Sitting a Lethal Activity? (NYT)
Your Office Chair is Killing You (BusinessWeek)
How to Stop Your Office Chair from Killing You (Forbes)
How Sitting All Day is Damaging Your Body and How You Can Counteract It (Lifehacker)
The solution probably includes regular exercise, more intentional activity, less laziness. But what to do if you've sworn off exercise until your dissertation is due, despite your persistent and distracting pain? People seem to be pretty excited about the "standing desk." I've seen one or two while walking past the philosophy offices, and they look pretty convenient. But they're also expensive, and though there are some plausible D.I.Y. set-ups described on the internet, I have neither the time nor the space in my studio to construct one.

Good thing that I already have one!

Turns out that all you need is a baker's rack from the Flower (a gift to me when she moved in with the Fat), and a GIANT Cuisinart toaster oven! While I still sit to do most of my writing and editing, I like to grade papers with this arrangement. Here's hoping this keeps my body from completely falling apart in the next month.

*Apparently even on my blog, I can't resist creating a select bibliography.


  1. hahah great DIY!! :)
    (now the race is on to compile a select biography of articles about how sitting is good for us...)

  2. Occupational hazard of being a scholar!

    Reminds me of an essay the late Christopher Hitchens wrote in 2007... excerpt--

    "The trouble with bad habits is that they are mutually reinforcing. And, just as a bank won’t lend you money unless you are too rich to need it, exercise is a pastime only for those who are already slender and physically fit. It just isn’t so much fun when you have a marked tendency to wheeze and throw up, and a cannonball of a belly sloshing around inside the baggy garments. In my case, most of my bad habits are connected with the only way I know to make a living. In order to keep reading and writing, I need the junky energy that scotch can provide, and the intense short-term concentration that nicotine can help supply. To be crouched over a book or a keyboard, with these conditions of mingled reverie and alertness, is my highest happiness."

    -Christopher Hitchens

    1. uh oh, julie, you're giving me ideas! time to pick up some even worse habits... ;)

  3. Accident-prone and kitchen-phobic me is mortified that some freak (or day-in-the-life-of___) combination of events would lead to hitting toaster buttons with computer on top... BE CAREFUL KATIE!

  4. On a related note... I might just have to ask Santa for this for Christmas!

    1. oooo, intriguing! it's such a good'll have to report back on whether it works in real life!

  5. I've been having a lot of pain in my wrists so I think a standing desk is an option for me.
