Friday, November 9, 2012

Frazzled Fraggle

It's all starting to catch up to me, and I'm becoming extremely frazzled. As of today, I have exactly three weeks to revise my dissertation and get it to my committee before the defense! I plan to send off the introduction by tomorrow, but I expect that to require a lot of revisions once I get feedback. Urgh. The good news is that "frazzled" sounds kind of like "fraggle." Try saying "frazzled fraggle" three times fast! At least it will make you smile.

Here's a fearful fraggle:

Now...what cute thing sounds like "frantic"? Because I'm pretty sure that's how I'll be feeling next week!


  1. In that Hawaiian shirt it looks like he found a way to relax! Good luck hon!

  2. oh my goodness, you are already finishing so soon!!! ahhhhh! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! you're so close! you can do this!!
    is it a public defense? wish I could come... *sniff*
    D-- can you record bits of it for us?? is that allowed??? ;)

    1. the defense is officially public...but no one from the public ever comes! in the sciences, there's a public presentation of one's research, with Q&A afterwards, and then an hour alone with the committee. but in my dept., there's no official presentation; it's really just 2 hours alone with the committee. i've never been to a defense in my own dept.!

    2. Katie and I would totally go if we were in town! Unless it would make you more nervous ;) Can we READ your dissertation?????

    3. Sure! I'll send it to you when I also deposit it in January. But don't worry: you are not obligated to read it through! I can barely do that, and I WROTE it! ;)

  3. Throw off your gloomy Fr- alliteration... I have a new pattern for you. You can be The Productive Duck, or the Efficient Fish, or the Ingenious Genie!

    1. awww, love it! this efficient fish will be swimming up to campus in a few minutes, right after the productive duck waddles to the kitchen for a snack! =)
