Monday, July 9, 2012

Annual Fitness Day

It's been hot around here. I'm grateful that, despite the record heat and unpredictable storms, my apartment still has power and that I've been able to go to the library to soak up the "free" air conditioning! But now that it's cooled off to normal summer temperatures, D. and I decided it was time for "Annual Fitness Day at the Park"! This rare orgy of sports-like activity reminds me of the annual Presidential Fitness Exam in elementary school. Did you have to do that, too? When suddenly we got all competitive in events that we never practiced, like the "vee-sit-and-reach" and the "shuttle run" and the especially-dreaded "pull-ups." Apparently, if you performed well enough on enough tests, one could receive a certificate at the end-of-the-year awards assembly. I wouldn't know.

Our Fitness Day is a bit like that. All year long, I avoid airborne objects. Suddenly, I'm supposed to try to intercept them? What a bad idea. Fortunately, D. is patient with me and can coax me through that difficult game known as "catch." This year's Fitness Day involved tennis, baseball, catch, frisbee, and basketball. Although we did not play any of these sports competitively, I would like to note that I defeated D. in the basketball game of Horse! Well, not really, since, while D. was playing HORSE, I was playing CAPYBARA.

D. modeling his sporty look and new hairdo

My big family reunion is coming up in August. My cousin Andrew loves to organize games, and with the upcoming Summer Olympics in London, I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew is inspired to put together the Tam Family Olympics. If he does, we'll be ready!


  1. fitness day continues with spinning this evening! yes indeedy!

  2. With those creds, you're clearly hinting at wanting to run that marathon we talked about! Maybe next fall? :)

    1. haha, oh SC, how you overestimate my ambitions! ;) there's a 10-miler in a2 in September, and I'm not sure I have the guts for even that...
