Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wedding Dress Shopping, vol. II

Yesterday I hied it to David's Bridal with Sarah and Brianne. This was our second outing, after an enjoyable but unsuccessful perusal of the dresses at the Gown Shop a few weeks ago. No secrets will be spilled here, but just to give you a taste of the atmosphere:

I shall be the fiercest bride in all the land! The ideal wedding dress will bow to me!

Thanks to my lovely friends, who made the outing fun and stress-free!


  1. That little girl in the background of the first picture is thinking, "One day, I want to be just like her!!!" :)

    1. that's Mina! she's the daughter of Sarah's friend, who swung by to drop something off for her. but Mina was having so much fun that they ended up staying the whole time! "I do not like that...That is very pretty, etc."
