Wednesday, September 5, 2012

oh, the honesty

On the first day of each class I teach, I like to circulate a little survey for the students. I ask for some basic personal information, so that I can get to know them a little better as individuals. This term's survey included such questions as, "What do you hope to get out of this class?" and "Is there anything I should know about you?" Fun fact: not a single one of my students has a proposed major in the Humanities, yet almost all seemed to think that understanding the Classics is important. Plus one for high school propaganda about "western culture"!

Some choice answers came out yesterday. In response to "What do you hope to get out of this class?", I got:
"a good grade"
"I want to be a true part of this Western tradition."
"I do not find old literature interesting, so I hope to change that."

And for "anything I should know?" someone wrote down, "not much other than I am excited for college." Awww!


  1. I wish I had something like that for my own freshman self entering the Hum sequence... I'm sure something cringe-worthy on the "being a part of the western tradition" side hehe

    1. haha, YES, I'm sure I would want to avert my gaze from the essay we had to write in application to the HUM sequence. HAHAHA.

  2. Would be interesting if you did a time-series evaluation & re-survey them a few more months into college :P
