Monday, September 17, 2012

Groupon Death Watch?

Have Groupon, Living Social, et al. jumped the shark? I buy a Groupon or Living Social voucher about once a month. I'm always glad to see a business I'm already planning to patronize promote an offer, and Dave and I have gotten to try a few new restaurants this way. But plenty of analysts have predicted the death of these over-hyped startups...something to do with a predatory business model that drains small businesses without bringing a new, consistent customer base in return. Besides, how many massages, mani/pedis, or photo-printed canvases could one person want?

My own prediction of Groupon's decline is based on the following offers I've received in the past two weeks:

1) concealed-pistol classes

2) laser toenail fungus removal

3) colon hydrotherapy

See how colon hydrotherapy makes my lower digestive tract feel like a heart? Thanks, Groupon!

On second thought, maybe I shouldn't be so certain that this is a sign of impending doom: 320 people signed up for the weapons class, 84 for the laser toenail treatment, and 230 want their colon cleansed. Go America?


  1. i raised an eyebrow myself at the weapons class! oy! but i did NOT notice the numbers on those deals... yikes.

  2. And Groupon wrote that insipid line describing the pillow on sale... yes, a pillow--"easy to care for like an independent pet rock". GROAN.

  3. on another totally unrelated note... D is no longer anonymous after this entry... ;)

    1. oh yeah, that's because D. pointed out to me how stupid it was to pretend that he remains anonymous, when the only people who read this blog are my personal friends and family! ;)

  4. Oh gosh! I just got a Groupon email that said "Because you bought ____, we thought you'd be interested in _____." Well, because I bought a groupon for spinning at Vie Fitness & Spa, they thought I'd be very interested in a Groupon for ... pole-dancing classes! Excuse me?! Oh Groupon...
