Thursday, June 21, 2012

Meet...the Bridesmaids!

One of the things I'm looking forward to about my wedding day is seeing many dear family and friends together, from all different parts of my life, under one roof! But that's still a long way off. So I'm especially fortunate to have four great friends who will be my bridesmaids and walk with me in this process the whole way! Now I want to tell you about them:

Sarah B.
Sarah and I were classmates in college and part of the same eating club. We even had some close mutual friends! But we didn't really get to know each other until we both ended up in Ann Arbor for graduate school. We've generally been living just a few blocks away from each other for the past several years (excepting the year when I was in Greece), which makes our frequent potlucks very convenient. Her adventurous spirit and boundless enthusiasm make her the perfect buddy for trying new things! She definitely makes A2 a more fun place to live. I feel so lucky to have a friend who shares so many intellectual interests with me, is so supportive of my endeavors, and always reminds me of what a catch D. is. =) Now let's see whether she can persuade me of the joys of spinning.

Sarah and I at the Taste of Ann Arbor 2011: she had just run a half marathon, while I had run one quarter of that distance and complained twice as much.

Shuen and I also went to college together and ran in the same social circle, but for some reason, we weren't close. I guess we both had our own friends who took up all our time! Shuen and I overlapped for one year at Michigan, and I'm so glad we did. I was really lonely and unhappy during my first year in grad school, and Shuen was one of the few familiar and friendly people who reached out to me. We cooked for each other, took in a few concerts, and then all too soon, she graduated and got an important job and moved to the East Coast/Atlanta/Mozambique! Fortunately for me, we've stayed in close touch and have shared some adventures in D.C., Philadelphia, New York, and Michigan. Next goal: an international trip together!

Keeping it real at the Philly Chinatown Bus parking curb, June 2009

Katie H.
Katie H., I must admit, was Julie's friend first. They had known each other for a whole week before I got to meet Katie, when she came to visit our dorm room at the start of freshman year of college. Julie was generous enough to share, though, and soon I was getting to know Katie through our literature classes and the campus fellowship. We were spotted together often enough that friends began to refer to her as Katie #1, and me, Katie #2. I suspect she got to be #1 because she's prettier, taller, kinder, funnier, smarter, and more popular, but I can't be sure. Since graduation, Katie #1 has been living in various exotic international locales while making the world a better place. I'm pretty annoyed about that, but I guess I have to learn to share, too. Looking forward to seeing you once again on American soil, Katie!

Katie in Mostar, Bosnia, February 2010: this is a picture of just Katie H., but since I'm the one behind the camera, I think it counts.

Julie and I were roommates for three years of college! And since she is the best writer/emailer/keeper-in-touch that I know, it is only fitting that our introduction was an epistolary one. As in, we actually exchanged real letters the summer before freshman year of college. I remember hers was enthusiastic, printed in cute font, and even had the occasional smiley face! We had our ups and downs that first year, but that hopeful feeling I first experienced when I read her letter has been realized in spades in the years since. She's been there for me through every circumstance and enriches my life daily with her passion for reading, writing, fashion, cooking, media, babies!, etc. etc. etc. More than anyone else, she has taught me what it means to be a good friend.

At the Fat and the Flower's Wedding, 13 August 2010 (love that dress, Julie!)


  1. hello fellow bridesmaids!! <3 this is so exciting! love you katie!!

    (--katie, YOU are katie #1!!!! hahahahah)

    1. I forgot to mention: D. also has a groomsman of the same first name! Two Katies, two D.'s. Hope no one gets confused! ;)

  2. What a sweet write-up, Katie... it's so like you to put the spotlight on other people even in the planning stages of "your day" :)

    Ah, summer 2001-- when the university sent us roommate information with snail-mail and no email addresses! And when seven girls duct-taped ethernet cords along the walls, and when I bought a new laptop through the school that still had a floppy drive... ;)

    1. the ethernet cords! I had forgotten about that! I think I actually still have my ethernet cord from that room...150 feet long, or something like that. It takes up a lot of room in a box in the closet.

  3. Hi, all! :D Yes, can't wait! I can't believe it's only June...

    Katie (#1/2), I love that the photo w/ me is from the Philly Chinatown bus station where S. warned that taking that bus increases risk of imminent death by 1500% or something. That was following an afternoon of great conversations about life. Would it be awful to say that I really should remember all of life's lessons the way I should remember not to take the Chinatown bus?

    And YES to an international trip, perhaps even with a half-marathon in there somewhere?! :)
