Monday, November 26, 2012

a Thanksgiving memory

As frivolous as it was for me to take two nights and go home for Thanksgiving last week, I'm glad I did it. I can hardly believe it was just a few days ago! But I'm quite certain I would've been too depressed and discouraged to be very productive in Ann Arbor if I had stayed; moreover, I did grade all my papers and complete this week's teaching prep while home, so this week, it's all dissertation, all the time! I only have four more days, so I don't have much choice. Waaaah!

Before I put my head down again to revise my last main chapter, I wanted to share a photo that my talented cousin Ruth captured and then emailed me last night. 

My niece, the Florette, is getting so big! She is wincing after I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She better start getting used to my affection! <hands on hips>


  1. I'm SO GLAD you went home for Thanksgiving!! I thought maybe you hadn't, so didn't want to ask... awwwww.

    What a sweet picture... Dave looks so protective and strong :)

    1. thanks Julie :). I should have worn the "don't need a permit for these guns" shirt!

  2. Wow, good work finishing all your grading. You're a beast! And a beauty! Florette winces when we kiss her, too. Maybe after 9 months of NO kisses in the womb she needs at least another 9 months of ALL kisses. We'll work on it.

  3. I am very excited to meet The Florette at the wedding :-D She is one cutie-petutie.
