Thursday, October 18, 2012

Time to bring down the hammer

on myself! I am so nervous about writing my introduction well that I've been madly procrastinating on doing it. We all know what a formula for success that is. In the past two nights, I have spent at least an hour stalking the Facebook profiles of people I don't even know. This is really, truly scraping the bottom.

I have a pet peeve about people (looking at all you graduate students out there) who spend all day complaining about how stressed they are and how much work they have to do and how overwhelming it all is instead of just sitting down and doing it. So between now and my dissertation defense day, I am off Facebook. I deleted my account, and I'm going to try to stick to it. I will definitely miss certain things about it, but I think I can live without them for the next two months (LESS! EEPS!). I'm sure I will find other ways to procrastinate, but this can be one form of discipline. Hold me to it!


  1. Oh yes, I know what you mean... well, not the dissertation pressure, but feeling annoyed at myself that I complain about having too much to do and all these goals to attain someday, but then I waste hours and hours AND HOURS AND HOURS doing completely useless things. It's one thing if I had the self-control to have small doses of this and that, etc., but noooooo... ;)

    Remember-- if you need feedback from a non-classicist who likes to read and write, feel free to email me pages to look over!

  2. good job hon! I will hold you to it! :)

  3. very wise!!! all your hard work is really going to pay off! you can do it!

  4. i'm glad you're still checking your email though and showing up in my inbox sometimes... you did say you wanted occasional reminders of other people's lives and the outside world ;)

  5. yes! actually, i'm hoping that if i refrain from procrastinating on social media, i might spend more time maintaining my real friendships! =)


    This Guy Hired Someone to Slap Him in the Face Every Time He Got on Facebook

    "Sethi's average productivity instantly increased by 98 percent."
